The warmer weather brings with it lots of challenges for babies and children. One of these is sleep routines and as many mums will agree, summer can rock the boat! Take a look at our helpful guide to summer sleep routines to avoid the new season unsettling your little one…
Do keep the room dark

Do make sure their nursery is cool
It’s essential that your baby doesn’t overheat, so you’ll want to ensure you have a cool nursery. The optimum temperature for the room is between 16-20°C (this feels not too hot or cold, but perfectly in-between). You may want to use a fan in the nursery to keep a cool airflow.
Do stick to your normal routine

Don’t skip naptime

Don’t stay indoors too often
Being outside with your little one in summer has heaps of benefits. Firstly, babies love the fresh air, which can actually help them fall into a longer, deeper sleep. Additionally, the more you spend time outside playing, running about or just walking with your child, the more likely they’ll settle down to sleep.
Don’t forget the wind-down time